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Ptit Bunny Is Tired of Having Nightmares / Ptit Bunny en a marre des cauchemars
Ptit Bunny's second book, in French and in English, with an illustrated lexicon

Book for children aged 3 to 10. The story is in French on one side, and if you turn the book over, you'll find the same story in English. There is small illustrated lexicon inside, to help children discover another language.
At the end of the story, you will find Ptit Bunny's Post-it note for a good night's sleep!
The book - 170/210 mm - is 28 pages long in French and 28 pages in English. It is printed locally on soft, responsibly sourced paper. And the soft-touch cover is even softer :)
The lexicon is printed on both sides, on a light cardboard sheet (250 gr/m2) slipped in the middle of the book.
This book is self-published and is sold 16 € TTC.
The shipping costs for BELGIUM are 4 €.
For your orders : please send an email to, mentioning:
- the number of copies you wish to order
- if you want a dedication and for whom
- your full mailing address if you want the book to be mailed to you
Thank you !
You can also buy the book in some stores and bookstores
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