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  • Writer's picturePtit Bunny

To Start Autumn on a Good Note, Here is a Recipe for Apple Cake!

It's the same recipe as for the cupcakes, but you add pieces or slices of apple and you bake it in a cake baking pan (we use an 8 inch rectangular one).

I like autumn! The trees get such pretty colors, you can go for long walks, pick up chestnuts, listen to the sound of footsteps in the leaves! And it's even more fun to do that while eating a good piece of apple cake!

Just like every time we bake, start by preparing your materials:

A scale, a large dish, a whisk or mixer, a spatula, a knife, a baking pan.

You will need the following ingredients:

7.7 oz (220 grams) of softened butter (salted or unsalted, your choice).

8.75 oz (250 grams) of sugar

4 eggs

8.75 oz (250 grams) of self-rising flour

1 pack of vanilla sugar

An apple (or more if you prefer it that way)

Let's do it!

1. Ask for the oven to be preheated to 320° F.

2. In a large dish, mix the butter, sugar, and vanilla sugar with a whisk or electric mixer.

3. Add the eggs and stir well.

4. Add the flour and stir until your dough is homogeneous (this means that all the ingredients are mixed well).

5. Ask a grown-up to cut the apple into small pieces or slices and place them in the pan, which you then fill with dough.

6. Bake for about 45-50 minutes, more or less, depending on the oven.



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