"Stay Home" With Ptit Bunny
In my Easter message, I told you that there was no big family party at my house this year, because of the “lockdown”. The lockdown means that we have to stay home, because at the moment there is a very contagious virus circulating, and sometimes it makes people very sick. And in order to avoid having a lot of people getting sick at the same time, we have to stay home.
Yesterday, when my mom went shopping (it's one of the essential things that grown-ups can still go out for), she told me that she saw a large poster hanging from a balcony with the message: "We send you love, strength and courage!" I thought it was great, I even wondered if they had read my post of last week ;). And I thought of you reading me, and I have to tell you this again: continue to think about doctors, nurses, pharmacists, people who work in stores or at the post office, delivery men, people who are alone, etc.
Here we prepared mail for a nursing home: my mommy and I wrote a letter. My little brother did some coloring. And then mommy emailed it all. The next day, we received a reply from the staff and residents, who thanked us heartlily for our messages. That made us very happy! Didn’t I tell you that all the positive energy going around is great?!
So, "STAY HOME", and send out kind little notes!
